True/False: 10 questions on childbirth preparation
March 17, 2022
Getting ready for childbirth in 10 questions
You are pregnant and you are hearing more and more about preparation for childbirth. You are probably asking yourself thousands of questions… Is it really necessary? What exactly is this? Rozie Alcide, midwife at the Clinique Bon Pasteur, is telling us more in a set of 10 questions and answers.
1. Preparation for childbirth is expensive.
FALSE. Classes are affordable for almost everyone. This must be seen as a long-term investment. Although it is not compulsory, preparation for childbirth is essential to approach delivery as serenely as possible.
2. You have to start very early.
FALSE. Preparation for childbirth begins between 20 and 25 weeks of pregnancy.
3. Sessions are not necessarily held at the maternity clinic.
TRUE. Sessions can also be held at home for those who cannot travel. In addition, due to the current health situation, we are also running sessions through video-conferences.
4. Sessions are very long.
FALSE. Birth preparation classes consist in four one-hour sessions. There are usually one to two weeks between each session.
5. Preparation for childbirth is limited to childbirth.
FALSE. Many topics are covered during our sessions. Obviously, we speak about pain management, labour signs, the birth process, but also breastfeeding, baby care and the new parent role. Preparation for childbirth also helps establish a trust and understanding relationship with midwives, and allays the fears and anxieties of future parents.
6. Preparation for childbirth is not limited to expectant mothers.
TRUE. Fathers-to-be are also encouraged to attend two of the four sessions, both to understand and be able to support the mother during labour, and to learn more about how to take care of the baby.
7. Childbirth preparation is needless for a second child.
FALSE. Every pregnancy and every delivery is different. Many mothers prefer to take the classes again to refresh their memories, to explore whatever aspect they may have forgotten, to feel better prepared, and also to reconnect with the midwives.
8. Physical activity is essential for proper preparation.
TRUE. Maintaining physical activity during pregnancy is strongly recommended unless there is a specific contraindication. This allows the mother-to-be to keep fit and feel confident.
9. Preparation for childbirth is only a mental preparation.
FALSE. There is obviously a large part of the courses dedicated to mental preparation, but we also focus on physical preparation to facilitate labour through stretches or exercises, for example.
10. Preparation for childbirth is not necessary in case of delivery by caesarean section.
FALSE. C-section also requires preparation! The mother-to-be has many questions about the process of childbirth, what happens next and when she returns home. At each session, we try to cover all the aspects of the different pregnancies and what can happen during childbirth to prepare the future mother to all scenarios.
If you want to prepare properly for childbirth, do not hesitate to make an appointment with our midwives’ team on 401 95 00.
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